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School Of Laughs

Welcome to the School of Laughs podcast. I am your host, Rik Roberts.

My goal is to help you get bigger, better, and more bookable as a comedian. Use the search tool at to find episodes on your favorites topics within comedy.  Be sure to subscribe and follow us on Facebook and Twitter

Questions? Email us at 

Oct 24, 2014

Comedian John Garrett had enough with his day job and saw an opportunity to pursue comedy full time. So, he took a few legal pads from the supply closet and headed to NYC. Since his arrival, he's sharpened his wit, broadened his options and become one exceptionally funny guy.

We talk about:

  • Following comedy stars in stage in NYC
  • Why not to trust your parents sense of humor
  • Being different and defining yourself 

and much, much more. 

Follow John on Twitter! or visit him at


About the Podcast: 

This podcast is a product of the Rik Roberts School Of Laughs.
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