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School Of Laughs

Welcome to the School of Laughs podcast. I am your host, Rik Roberts.

My goal is to help you get bigger, better, and more bookable as a comedian. Use the search tool at to find episodes on your favorites topics within comedy.  Be sure to subscribe and follow us on Facebook and Twitter

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Feb 19, 2016


Do you have beginning comedy questions about stand-up? Are you just dipping your toes in the waters of writing and performing? Today I am joined by three current writing students in this “after school special”. They each bring forth a slew of excellent questions. I am willing to bet many of these have crossed your mind as well. Questions like …

  • How do you know that you wrote a joke no one has ever written before?
  • How can you protect your material from being stolen by open mic comics?
  • Writing faster than people can steal
  • Why cobbling material from other comics never really works
  • Should you listen to other comedians while you develop your own act?
  • Why you should watch comedians you don’t like
  • How to learn from other comedians
  • The “style trap” new comedian can fall into
  • Converting longer stories into stand-up jokes
  • Core sentences and how to isolate them from a story
  • Having someone recap your story so you know what details matter
  • Trying out material on friends and family
  • Do you need to hang out with comedians
  • Why you should hang out and build shows with comics who are 100% different
  • Finding a comedy scene when moving to a new town
  • Using the crowd as your personal Yellow Pages
  • Using google and Youtube to check your jokes
  • Malcom Gladwell’s 10,000 HOURS theory as it applies to comedians
  • Should you worry about performing the same set the following week at open mic?

And much, much more!

If you have beginning comedy questions that need answered just send them in! Email them to I will answer them on the podcast or in a blog post.

If you enjoyed this episode, you may also like this “after school special” …


school of laughsAnd frequetly asked questions are tackled on our YouTube channel:    


School Of Laughs