Oct 26, 2016
Travel tips from our road dog listeners will have you traveling in good company and avoiding major stresses and hassles. Following this list of travel tips and I guarantee you will enjoy the road a little more!
I've been on the road since 1991. "Back in the day" I had no cell phone, GPS or satellite radio. It was a...
Oct 19, 2016
Today I am joined by one of my students "Straussie". Straussie took the Stand-Up Comedy Level One: Writing class back in February. Then he followed through with the Level Two: Performance Class and the Business of Comedy Class. I could tell right away this guy doesn't mess around. He is serious about things and is now...
Oct 12, 2016
Today I meet up with clean comedian and radio show host Daren Streblow. I've known Daren for awhile and he has always been super funny and extremely gracious. Today we talk a lot about the inner mind workings of a stand-up comedian. And we talk in depth about being vulnerable onstage.
Specifically we talk...
Oct 6, 2016
Today's episode with Dustin Nickerson is brought to you by our Patreon Sponsors. And also by AUDIBLE.COM, where you can download a free audio book and enjoy a free 30 day trial by going to www.AudibleTrial.com/SchoolOfLaughs.
Dustin Nickerson is a San Diego based comedian. He's clean, clever and committed to the journey...