May 1, 2021
Crisp and Clean Comedy Competition Guidelines
This showcase of clean comedy is open to all comedians. Whether you are brand new, full-time, or fooling yourself.
Here’s how it will work.
The clip can be stand-up, sketch, musical comedy - as long as it is clean and clearly understandable.
Send your TV CLEAN audio clip, 60 seconds or less to before May 21st.
In your email make sure you put:
I’ll do a quick listen for clarity and audio quality.
All clean clips, with good laughs and quality audio, will appear together in an upcoming episode of the podcast. So, it's important I have your name and joke name to introduce the comedy clip.
Voting happens in three phases.
The 3 overall favorite submissions will get a replay on an upcoming episode as well as a brief interview with the comic behind the joke.
Also, the top 3 will receive:
So, when you have your Crisp and Clean Comedy Competition clip ready:
All entrants will be notified prior to the initial episode that they have made the “cut”. I guarantee I will listen to all the clips but cannot guarantee that they will all make the cut. So, do your best to make it funny, clean, and under a minute.
All of these details are on the show notes page for this episode.
Good luck and I can’t wait to hear from you.