Jul 2, 2021
Welcome to the competition results episode. This showcase of clean comedy was open to all comedians. The clips ranged from stand-up, musical comedy to comedy without an audience delivered straight to the microphone. All clips submitted, as long as they were clean and clearly understandable, made it into the episode.
The 3 overall favorite submissions are included in this episode. And, the top 3 will receive:
A one-hour roundtable coaching call with Rik and the other winners,
A free SILVER Edition Comedy Writing Course,
And a free one-year subscription to Club 52. Club 52 features a weekly email with comedy challenges as well as a quarterly Zoom hangout
Thanks to all of these fine folks for their submissions:
“Chicken Hormones” Sheila Day |
Nashville, TN
“Fat Baby” Dustin Crider | Atlanta,
“Billy Bod” Patrick Miller | Oakland,
“Instagram” Damien Challen |
Newcastle Australia
“Losing My Mind” Theodore Schmelke |
Mineola NY
“Divorces vs Widows” Shell from Fort
| Worth TX
“Begging for Attention” J.B. Bowman |
Nashville, TN
“Random Thoughts with Gary Busey”
Brian Kohatsu | Glendale, AZ
“More than A Hobby” Mark Johns |
Austin, Texas
“Not Hip or Cool” Dan Bublitz Jr |
St. Paul, MN
“String Theory II” Rick Reichman |
Nashville, TN
“Messy House” Suzanne Linfante |
Laurence Harbor, NJ
“This Guy’s Roof” Dave Pileggi |
Atlanta, GA
“Leave Early Dad” Trent Babb |
Fresno, California
“Teddy Bear” Matthew Clark
“The Holy Cow” Bryan Nye | Lebanon,
“Unemployed Husband” Carmiya |
Washington, D.C.
“Personal Training is Bullying” Uncle
Nath | Newcastle Australia
“Solitary Swing Dancing” Wes Sholtes
| Washington, DC
“Looking for the Wrong Women” Patrick
Andonie | New Orleans, LA
“Zoom Calls” Tim Ketchersid | Dallas,
“The Tornado” Craig Slezak |
Altamonte Springs, FL
“Tiger King” Sean Hughes | Nashville,
(C)(P) 2021 School of Laughs Podcast