Jun 30, 2016
This week's episode features answers to recently submitted listener email questions. And this episode is brought to you by Patreon sponsor Brent Allen.
Among the listener email questions we tackle are:
I hate to bother ya. But do you remember what episode you talked about email lists? I'm starting to get enough names on my email list where I should really switch over to a better way of keeping track.
I am helping a mental health nonprofit agency plan a comedy fundraiser. Any suggestions on how to format the evening? The Executive Director was thinking anywhere from 1.5 to 2 hours. Maybe have some improv and a stand-up headliner. We are just getting started with this, but we might look at holding the event at the comedy club in town.
I am a new comic, only been performing for 4 months, I started by taking a stand-up comedy class and listening to your podcast. At the end of the class I came out with about 10 minutes of alright material. I have been writing and hitting open mike's when I can. I have now tightened up the material so I feel I have a solid 6 minutes. I have entered two comedy competitions in the last month to try and get some extra stage time. Both competitions I did not come out on top but I did walk away with some great lessons and tips from the other comedians. I wanna know though, am I trying to run before I can walk? I am doing these competitions for stage time, but if I were to actually do well and move onto a round 2, I wouldn't have enough material to perform a different set of equally solid material. I wanna get your opinion on whether I should keep open miking for a few more months until I have more solid material, or is entering competitions and shows at this point going to hurt my rep when/if people find out I don't have much material yet?
I ran across your YouTube video about "Am I to old to do comedy?" I want to do comedy bad. I've had this dream for over 20years but honestly didn't have the guts. My number one fall back is being heckled and failing. I'm turning 42 this year and figured I have nothing to lose. I was wondering if you could give me advice on these 2 fears.
I hear you mention CLUB 52 on the podcast on occasion but I can't find it listen on your SchoolOfLaughs.com web site. Where can I find out more and sign up for this?
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To find out more about my: Zanies show on June 30th