Sep 15, 2019
Welcome to the 200th episode of the School of Laughs podcast! What an amazing journey this had been. Two hundred? Yes indeed. We made it.
So what have we learned two hundred episodes in? A lot. And in this episode we cover …
What is on the horizon for the School of Laughs? In the first week of January 2020 I will be offering a brand new day and a half workshop for speakers and content creators who want to add confidence and comedy to their programs. This will be only for those who have an hour plus speech, training program, keynote or weekly digital offering. Stand-ups will definitely benefit from this as well. But the focus will be on helping you add comedy to specific parts of your presentation. We will meet in Nashville and more details will be coming soon. But I am extremely excited about the new program which I’ve designed from the ground up just for this interactive workshop.
If that sounds like something you would be interested in, send an email to and put "Master Laughter Class" in the subject line.
September 21st, 2019 I will be running the Business of Comedy Class in Nashville from 12:30-3:30 PM. Investment is $99. If that sounds like something you would be interested in, send an email to and put Business Class in the subject line. I’ll send more information your way.
Rik Roberts