May 19, 2016
Do you ever have the feeling that this thing is going nowhere? Do you feel like you are pouring time and resources into a bottomless pit? Does it seem like everything and everyone is working against you?
Maybe it is over. Or you may just have hit a rough spot in the road.
In this episode we will explore your options on whether or not to continue. I’ll give you a few tips on pivoting to stay in the game. And I’ll reveal a few signs that you may no longer be in it anyway.
In general, here are seven signs to look for when you begin to consider quitting comedy.
#1 You haven’t written a new joke in months.
#2 You haven’t got a new booking in months.
#3 You spend more time worrying about getting on stage than actually being onstage.
#4 You have never spent time after show reviewing your set or rewriting material.
#5 Your calls don’t get answered by the bookers or club managers.
#6 You just can’t find the time with your work or school schedule.
#7 Not a single person is encouraging you or giving you helpful advice.
In each of these 7 instances, I also offer suggestions on how to solve the problem and move forward.
I would love to hear from you and if you had hit a point where you considered quitting, and what you did to get past it.
Send me a message
A listener recently told me about Patreon and I totally love this concept.
In a nutshell, in exchange for a small RECURRING monthly donation of your choice, you gain access to many extra opportunities to interact with the show. My favorite bonus is our very own, private “School Of Laughs Patreon News Feed”. Think of it as a Facebook page without all the drama. In this feed I will post exclusive articles, bonus podcasts and more. And of course, you will be invited to share ideas and support other listeners of the show!
The funds would help offset the costs associated with time incurred producing the show, and at the same time give you more of what I believe you find valuable. It’s up to you as far as the amount. We average 4 episodes a month and are hoping you feel like the information is worth at least $1.25 a show. So, a monthly pledge of $5 is our hope. More is great, less is still helpful. If we reach the target of 200 patrons (which is just a fraction of the overall listener downloads per episode), I think we would be on track to continue the production of the show and creating opportunities for you to grow as a performer and see definite returns on your support.
In short, I want to continue to provide the podcast and reach out to bigger names, more helpful comics and incredible resources.
Please visit PATREON.COM/SchoolOfLaughs or check out the chart below to find out more.