Mar 20, 2015
A common question I hear is “what do I do if I feel my comedy has leveled off, or plateaued?"
It’s a great, insightful question that infers both frustration and aspiration. To help relieve the first and achieve the second, we’ve put together a podcast and a “scorecard” to help you address your strengths and weaknesses. This is all done in an effort to help you isolate what needs more work in your comedy career.
This episode is especially geared towards those who have been at comedy for a year or more and have some experience on stage. Newer or aspiring comics should also gain some insight by listening to the areas that all comedians need to be aware of when attempting to pursue comedy full time.
In all, we cover 10 areas of focus and give them each a weight of 10%. I know for a fact that my score is lower than I want, but higher than it used to be. Listen to the show and give yourself a grade. I guarantee you there is an area where you could benefit that you may have overlooked.
Better yet, subscribe to the Insider Tip Newsletter and I will send you a .pdf of the checklist. Just email us at and put “Comedy Scorecard - Insider Tip Sheet” in the heading.I’ll make sure you get the official tip sheet and I promise to keep your email anonymous and spam free. If you are already on the newsletter list you will receive this scorecard in the next newsletter.