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School Of Laughs

Welcome to the School of Laughs podcast. I am your host, Rik Roberts.

My goal is to help you get bigger, better, and more bookable as a comedian. Use the search tool at to find episodes on your favorites topics within comedy.  Be sure to subscribe and follow us on Facebook and Twitter

Questions? Email us at 

Feb 15, 2021

Over the past few weeks, I've received a handful of questions from listeners. I thought I would share the answers with everyone. The questions are ...

  • Do you think comedy will return to the way it was before the virus?
  • What books do you recommend to comedians?
  • What are some crowd work tips?
  • When do you make money in...

Feb 1, 2021

Today I am happy to introduce you to my friend Dan Rupple.  As a respected comedy writer, producer, and speaker, Dan has been featured on NBC Nightly News, CNN, FOX News, The Washington Post, The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Dallas Morning News, Radio America, and more. 

Show Notes

  • How did...