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School Of Laughs

Welcome to the School of Laughs podcast. I am your host, Rik Roberts.

My goal is to help you get bigger, better, and more bookable as a comedian. Use the search tool at to find episodes on your favorites topics within comedy.  Be sure to subscribe and follow us on Facebook and Twitter

Questions? Email us at 

Nov 30, 2016

Have you ever wondered how to add humor to a speech? For many, this is terrifying territory. But, if you don't know how to add humor to a speech it doesn't have to scare you. It is just one more skill you need to develop. Lucky for you, I an joined this week by two experts in this field!

Jessica Petit  uses A LOT of humor (and cuss words unless you tell me not to) in her workshops, trainings, and keynote speeches to keep the attention of participants and entertain them. It isn't until the end of her programs when participants realize she snuck in there, undercover, and taught them something.

Karen Eddington [Episode 060 Comedy & Confidence] is the author of Understanding Self-Worth and she uses her experience in stand-up comedy and improv to teach laughter as a form of self-care. She’s researched identity for 15 years looking for patterns of self-confidence and created original solutions to help people understand what it means to say, “I Know Who I am.” Her real talent is getting a family of five in the car.

The three of us talk about how to begin to incorporating humor and comedy into your speech or motivational program.
One of the points I really liked from Jess was about the way the audience is like a bag of microwave popcorn. Some laughs pop a little early. Most pop together in one big explosion. A few pop on the tail end of that explosion. Some never pop. And some kernels just burn no matter what you do. I will add that NONE OF THEM POP if you don’t bring the heat.


Specifically, we discuss ...

  • A few ways you can get started with comedy
  • Where to look for funny things
  • How to take notes and organize those thoughts
  • When to make use of the environment around you
  • How to trouble shoot heckling
  • The importance of contrast
  • How to use tension to fuel a laugh
  • Ways to avoid the fear of getting started
And a lot more!
If you would like to follow Jessica Petit, click on over to:
To follow Karen Eddington head on over to:
And to listen to the previous episode where I interviewed Karen, just go HERE
online comedy class


Club 52

"Club 52" is a 52 week, email based stand-up program. It will include a weekly challenge designed to help you become a better comedian. This year long program will feature an email every Friday from me. I will ask you to take a serious look at some of your business practices, writing processes, performance techniques, branding, marketing and a whole lot more.

The program starts the week you join and continues for 52 weeks as long as you are still supporting the podcast through Patreon at the $7 a month level.

Questions? Email me (Rik) at Or call 1-888-895-8549. Or, if you are ready, head on over to to get started.