Sep 17, 2021
Chris Ruppe is our guest on this episode, and he is also our Patreon sponsor. I first met Chris at a Christian Comedy Association conference. Since then he has developed material and started to think about going full time into comedy. Along those lines, Chris had some specific questions about making that move. If you...
Apr 1, 2021
Have you ever wondered what goes through a comedian’s mind when they tell a joke that doesn’t work? Whether you’re an aspiring comedian or a hardcore comedy nerd, The Art of Bombing Podcast has something for everyone. From useful comedy insight to entertaining stories of bombing and failure told by the comedians...
Mar 15, 2021
This is the follow-up podcast to episode 235 where I shared my process of preparing for my last recording. You can listen to that podcast HERE.
In this episode, I review the live recording. Offering up insights into my thinking for choosing certain jokes, we talk about what went well and what could have been different....
Mar 1, 2021
Preparing for a live comedy recording involves choosing your jokes, timing out the set, editing, making segues, practicing it live, and more. Today I share the process I went through for my last recording. Things were a little different this time due to COVID-19. But the overall approach is still similar to the way...
Feb 15, 2021
Over the past few weeks, I've received a handful of questions from listeners. I thought I would share the answers with everyone. The questions are ...