Nov 14, 2014
Defining your goals is extremely important in any self-driven profession. In stand-up comedy, defining your comedy goals will set you apart from a large mass of aimless souls. Goals in and of themselves won't make you funnier than anyone else. But they should make you funnier than you are now if you set them correctly. Without them, you may find yourself immersed in bitterness and resent everyone else's success.
"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals." - Henry David Thoreau
In this episode, we talk about first defining your overall reason for performing comedy. Once you have that down, you should be able to create some benchmarks that align with your purpose.
To help get your goals into focus, ask yourself:
To help true comedy beginners, I go over my goals from the very beginning in 1991 (meet girls), and set new goals for 2015 (you'll have to listen to find out). My reason for doing so is to let you see how they can change over time. Also, so you may be able to get some ideas for goals to set for yourself. Everyone will be different, but I think the process is a shared experience we can all relate to.
As in all things in life, you want to make sure your family is on board with your goals.
Remember, your ability plus your work ethic equals your opportunities. So, set some short and long term goals and make sure to generate opportunities through focused effort.
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