Jan 2, 2015
This year has been a tremendous journey. Getting to know the listeners and readers of the School Of Laughs podcast and blog has been a really, really cool thing. From connecting with folks in over 49 countries, to meeting many new comics through the site – Gavin and I have been overwhelmed with the positive response.
In this episode we take an inventory of the shows progress through its first half year. Specifically, we talk about:
We also look ahead and reveal some plans for 2015. Including:
And lastly, piggybacking off of the last blog “What Is Holding You Back?”, we offer up a goal tracking worksheet that can help you organize and set over 30 goals for the upcoming year.
The feedback I have already received this year inspired me to create a 2015 Goals Worksheet. This .pdf is designed to help inspire you to create, measure and improve upon over twenty goals for your comedy career.
Whether you are reading this post in December, February or August all you have to do is request this free worksheet and I’ll send it your way.
If you would like a 2015 Goals Worksheet, please join our INSIDER TIPS NEWSLETTER by e-mailing me at SchoolOfLaughs@gmail.com. Put “INSIDER TIPS / 2015 GOALS WORKSHEET” in the subject line. Also, let me know your name, where you are based, and how long you have been at it. (If you are already a subscriber, you will automatically get the sheet.)
I’ll send you the worksheet and you will receive the bi-monthly NEWSLETTER. It is full of comedy news, blog recaps, podcast summaries and a challenge to get your comedy career on the right track. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter anytime. No hard feelings.
If you feel your writing is holding you back, please consider enrolling in the online writing class. Goals, stage time and connections don't help one bit of you aren't creating solid material. For more info on that click here.
Thanks and have a prosperous (and measurable) 2015!
Rik Roberts is a 23 year comedy veteran. Still performing over 100 shows a year, Rik also operates the School Of Laughs workshops and classes. The courses both LIVE and ONLINE are designed to help you get bigger, better and more bookable. To find out more about these classes or to ask Rik a question, simply shoot an email to SchoolOfLaughs@gmail.com.