Feb 13, 2015
Why do I love stand-up comedy? Let me count the ways!
In this episode we talk about nine attractive characteristics of stand-up. Not that the other art forms aren’t pretty in their own way. But if I only have one valentine to send - I’m sending it to comedy. Specifically, we talk about lovely Stand-Up characteristics such as:
1) Low (to no) barrier to entry
If you can talk, you can try it. You don’t have to buy a lot of tools. Easels, brushes, and paint bind artists. Musicians need instruments. Dancers need music. Comics need only their voice and a thought. Maybe only singers have a similar low barrier to entry.
2) There is an audience for EVERYONE
Your experiences should resonate with somebody. Hopefully, it resonates with a lot of somebodies. The more you work on digging deep into yourself and why you tick, the bigger your audience should become.
3) No discrimination
All walks of life, all races, rich or poor, or middle class – everyone is welcome.
4) Handicap accessible
Guys like Josh Blue, Chris Fronseca, or Will Marfori, who both have cerebral palsy are excellent comedians. Richard Pryor had multiple sclerosis at the end of his career but it couldn’t rob him of his gift of humor.
And comedy can transcend many obstacles.
I’ve done shows where my act was “signed to the deaf.” I’ve performed for the blind, wheelchair bound, and more. A good laugh goes a long way for all involved.
5) Age isn’t an issue. It’s a source of material.
George Carlin, George Burns and many others not named George just got funnier with age. Youth has it’s advantages, too. Not worrying about paying the mortgage and funding a college account for your kids can free you up to explore comedy to it’s fullest. Late nights and nine hour drives are an adventure.
6) Funny is Funny
Regardless of who you are you can give this a go. Why? Because funny is funny. And whether it’s the truth, an embellishment or a story totally created from imagination – you can tell that story
7) Instant Feedback
Unlike movie actors, session players, artists and writers – you have access to a ever changing, intense feedback machine. Being alone on stage in front of strangers is powerful. An honest audience is a great audience.
8) A skill that transfers
Speaking in front of groups is the number one fear. If you can
master delivering humor with confidence and on demand you have a
skill that is valuable for coaching, mentoring, training, managing,
leading, teaching and yes, even loving.
9) A skill that can raise a lot of money, awareness and much need laughter for those who need it most!
Using comedy to provide for others is a very powerful feeling. By donating your talent - or using it to pack a house for a great cause - you are experiencing the best comedy has to offer. Love.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
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If you feel your writing is holding you back, please consider enrolling in the online writing class. Creating sets and getting stage time won’t help one bit if you aren’t creating solid material. For more info on that click here.