Dec 25, 2015
Peter Margaritas joins me today to talk about his journey from the business world into Improv comedy. The “Accidental Accountant" worked his way in (and out) of a few jobs before finding his way with improvisation.
His first book, Improv Is No Joke, shares what he has learned when it comes to Improv and business. In the book, he teaches business professionals how to become more effective, sharpen their creativity, and develop leadership skills needed to succeed and improve business results through improvisational techniques. By focusing on strategies such as replacing negative phrases and listening to understand, you will successfully relate to and communicate with clients and colleagues.
Specifically, we talk about:
Learn more about Peter Margaritas at his web site:
If you are blogging about your comedy journey or have written articles about your experience we’d love to share them. Send a link to the post and any other info you would like us to know and I’ll consider posting it and promoting from our site.
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We want to help as many comics as possible. If you have a short joke (100 words or less) that you would like some feedback on please send it in! You can email the joke written out or send us an audio clip, or even a link to a YouTube video. We will get it on the show and get feedback for you, give out your web site and / or twitter handle to help you get your name out there. Our show is PG so please take that into consideration when selecting a joke.
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