Jan 1, 2020
It is time for the 2020 Stand-Up Comedy Goals TRACKER episode. This show is a nerdy, comprehensive deep dive into measurable comedy goals for sand-up comedians. Fame and fortune are payoffs, but not necessarily great goals. And, goals in and of themselves won't make you funnier than anyone else. But they should make you funnier than you are now if you set them correctly. Without them, you may find yourself immersed in bitterness and resent everyone else's success.
"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals." - Henry David Thoreau
In this episode, we talk about specific daily, weekly, monthly and annual Stand-Up Comedy goals. It is the behind the scenes planning that no performer admits to doing (and many don't). But you aspire to be better than you are now, so you are thinking strategically about the year ahead. Congratulations!
We cover four areas of goals in this 2020 Stand-Up Comedy Goals Podcast episode. Specifically:
Writing - how much time are you giving yourself to be creative and develop material?
Performing - are you getting out of the house and getting on stage enough to see progress?
Earning - what is your income from comedy and related skills?
Investing - how much are spending to get your name out there so people can find you?
Visit Episode 207 show notes page at www.SchoolOfLaughs.com.
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