Jan 15, 2019
Comedian John Felts joins us today from Wilmington, NC. John is a hit with his audiences because he takes time to research the group and write specific jokes for them. Customizing comedy shows isn't easy. It takes time and a little bit of courage. But it pays off with huge laughs.
John walks us through the steps he takes to get the inside information. He discusses how to implement the material in the show for maximum results. Although he has done this for quite some time, he still is experimenting with ways to make customizing comedy shows even better.
We also cover how to produce your own comedy shows. John Felts is the producer of the Clean Comedy Getaway series which features top clean comedians from around the country. We dig into the nitty gritty details of putting that together.
In this episode we specifically discuss:
How to study your audience
Finding out what NOT TO SAY in advance
When to do crowd work
The benefits of customizing comedy shows
Mistakes he learned from in promoting and advertising a show
Securing a venue for your own show
Difficulty in marketing across multiple demographics
Line up diversity in comedy shows
Overcoming the stigma of a "clean" show
Protecting your brand by keeping standards high
Importance of building an email list
The long road to turning a profit
How BrownPaperTickets.com
helped him
Tips on keeping the family happy while you do comedy
Knowing your priorities in life
And much, much more!
To find out more about John and his comedy please visit:
This episode is brought to you by Patreon supporter Jeremy Lee and CLUB 52.
Club 52 is a one-year program designed to challenge you to get bigger, better and more bookable. You will be prompted to examine your material, performance and business practices via email each week.