Jul 7, 2016
Today’s episode is brought to you by
Patreon supporter
Susan Sussman.
Leaving a job as lawyer for State Farm Insurance would be
unthinkable. For most people anyway. Fortunately for
us, Rex
Havens side-hustled as a comedian on weekends and nights
for seven years until he was ready to make the jump. He started
comedy late in life (mid-thirties). That jump was over two decades
ago and he is still going strong.
I first met Rex when we worked at “Coo’s Coo’s Lounge” at
a Bowling
Alley in Cartersville, IL. Yes, we had arrived! Wow,
looking back neither of us should have been there. The show was
good and I learned that you could really work clean in ANY
Today I catch up with Rex to see what he is up to, what he has
learned, and where he is headed in his comedy career.
Specifically, we talk about:
- The value in working a little extra hard on your act
- Graduating with a law degree and an M.B.A.
- His years as a college professor
- The State Farm years (12 of them)
- Hanging around the corporate job long enough to get his kids in
- Making marriage last while traveling
- “Birthing” a new CD
- Developing a one man theatre show
- 3 things that happen when you laugh
To learn more about Rex Havens just visit www.RexHavens.com or www.LearnedFromMyWife.com.

"Club 52" is a 52 week, email based stand-up
program. It will include a weekly challenge designed to
help you become a better comedian. This year long program
will feature an email every Friday from me. I will ask you to
take as serious look at some of your business practices, writing
processes, performance techniques, branding, marketing and a whole
lot more.
The program starts the week you join and continues for 52
weeks as long as you are still supporting the podcast
Patreon at
the $7 a month level.
Questions? Email me (Rik) at SchoolOfLaughs@gmail.com. Or call
1-888-895-8549. Or. if you are ready, head on over to
www.Patreon.com/SchoolOfLaughs to
get started.