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School Of Laughs

Welcome to the School of Laughs podcast. I am your host, Rik Roberts.

My goal is to help you get bigger, better, and more bookable as a comedian. Use the search tool at to find episodes on your favorites topics within comedy.  Be sure to subscribe and follow us on Facebook and Twitter

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Apr 15, 2020

Learn tips on speaking from Steve Lowell (CSP). Steve is the past National President, Canadian Association of Professional Speakers (CAPS). Steve is incredibly gifted at helping identify their “expert insights.” These are the things or then thing that makes a speaker different from all the others. The expert insights are what you can provide that people need and are willing to learn. We discuss how he helps speakers tap into those.

We also talk about how his business has been impacted by the recent COIVD-19 “stay at home” lockdown. And, we address a few things speakers can do if they have a little extra time now to get better at their craft. There are a lot of tips on speaking in this episode which will benefit comedians as well.

Steve has authored two Amazon best-selling books Deep Thought Strategy and From Stage Fright to Spotlight. The latter provides over 100 tips for speakers to get more comfortable onstage so their message shines through. is the best place to order Steve’s books and learn more about his speaking programs.

Even more exciting is the news that Steve has personally invited all my listeners to attend his virtual event on Thursday April 16 as his guest. If you have not yet attended a WEN Global Event, this is your opportunity! All you have to do is go to www.TheLowells.Global to save your seat...just tell them The Lowells sent ya!


We cover a lot, including:

  • Selling from stage without “selling”
  • Secular Altar Calls
  • Converting sales on bigger ticket programs
  • Speaking for “free”
  • Transformational content
  • George Carlin’s The Planet is FINE routine
  • The three different levels of speakers
  • Deep thought strategy
  • Uncovering your expert insights
  • Why you don't have to be different
  • How to appear to be different
  • Why you might need a tennis instructor
  • Brian Tracy’s “Eat the Frog
  • Focusing on the outcomes for the audience
  • 99 speakers secrets to mastering the stage
  • Being the catalyst for excitement

And much, much more!