May 15, 2018
Today we are going to weed and feed our act, business and
Spring is a time of fresh rain, budding flowers and horrific,
crippling allergies. Ahh, soak it in. Don’t look now but I see
some weeds popping up. Daggone it! My beautiful yard is all covered
with chickweed, ribwort and quack grass.
As I walked around the year this year I thought, enough is
enough. Time to weed and feed. In the past I tolerated
the weeds because green is green and honestly, they dominated
a good portion of the lawn. But, they kept spreading and now
there is more weed than grass. And, uhm, this ain’t COLORADO.
Within a week of application I saw the weeds starting to turn
yellow. By the second week (after a little rain and
ninety degree temperatures) the fertilizer kicked in and
boosted the grass noticeably. The weeds we now dead and brown.
As I wandered around the yard it occurred to me that this would
be a great metaphor for shoring up my act. Clean out the junk and
let the good stuff grow deep. The lawn product directions said
to "apply to lawn while wet". I advise you think about your act
soon after a performance. When you do, here are some things to
Take a long look at your opening and closing bits
Search out any wordy or unnecessarily long stories
Be objective and pull any "hacky" or "entry level" jokes
Ask yourself, would I write this joke today? If not, YANK IT!
Spend more time on bits and see if you can "deepen the roots"
If you have trouble, do this exercise with another comedian
Now apply this "weeding" to your business approach
Use the PARETO PRINCIPLE to direct your focus
Shine the sun on what's delivering the biggest payoff
Rid your business of time consuming / low return practices
When in a rut, help someone else
Weed and feed your relationships
End toxic relationships and focus on solid mutually beneficial
Episode Sponsors ...
We are sponsored today by the Clean Comedy Challenge (
and Patreon supporter SEAN SELLERS. Visit
PATREON to learn how you can support the podcast through a
small, recurring monthly donation.

May 18 & 24 / 2018
TBN Studios Hendersonville, TN(Just North of
Tickets are FREE but must be reserved.
Tickets for
HUCKABEE in Hendersonville from ShowClix
REQUESTING TICKETS. All available live taping
dates for the HUCKABEEshow are listed on the
calendar as they are confirmed one month out. Please choose the
taping date you are interested in and follow the prompts. If the
date you choose is already at capacity, feel free to enter as
standby or choose a future date.