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School Of Laughs

Welcome to the School of Laughs podcast. I am your host, Rik Roberts.

My goal is to help you get bigger, better, and more bookable as a comedian. Use the search tool at to find episodes on your favorites topics within comedy.  Be sure to subscribe and follow us on Facebook and Twitter

Questions? Email us at 

Nov 15, 2017

Devin Henderson joins me to day to talk about corporate entertaining. He started magic at 11 years old. After college he went full speed ahead after his dream. Not full speed, he slows down to have kids - 5 of them - from time to time.

This episode is brought to you by Patreon Supporter Seth Knorr. 


We met up at...

Nov 1, 2017

Rik Roberts took a business approach to pursuing comedy. Starting in 1991 at an open mic, he quickly got bit by the comedy bug. In this episode, Joel Byars (of the popular HOT BREATH podcast) interviews Rik Roberts in this "pod-swap" part two. In part one of the pod-swap, Rik interviews Joel about his 7 year career in...