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School Of Laughs

Welcome to the School of Laughs podcast. I am your host, Rik Roberts.

My goal is to help you get bigger, better, and more bookable as a comedian. Use the search tool at to find episodes on your favorites topics within comedy.  Be sure to subscribe and follow us on Facebook and Twitter

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Jun 1, 2020

On today’s podcast I talk with Dan LeFave. Dan is a business success coach for experienced and motivated entrepreneurs at the "Shortcut To Success"​.

Dan’s specialty is empowering six and seven figure business owners to shift from being overwhelmed & disorganized to in control & systematized. He can help you focus on Business Mindset, Strategic Productivity, Business Growth & Systemization.

Dan LeFave discusses following your gut and exploring opportunities. New paths can lead to new skills. New skills can prepare you for the next stage in your growth as an entrepreneur.

We discuss his journey from university all the way to where he is today teaching and coaching people to play to the top of their game through taking strategic actions. As a father of three, prioritizing and strategizing comes in handy at home as well at work.

Dan LeFave shares how mindset and beliefs can be changed to create new direction and success.

Dan LeFave Show Notes

Among many things, we talk about the following: 

  • Learning customer service working for his Dad, a butcher
  • Working at a large telecom company he handled $25 million projects
  • How a parental leave with his second child led to a mindset shift
  • The impact of Og Mandino and the Ten  Scrolls
  • Dave Blanchard
  • How Bob Proctor helped lead him into coaching
  • Co-authoring Stepping Stones to Success 
  • Why reasoning is different from the other five mental faculties
  • How we reflect our childhood experiences (good or bad)
  • How to re-write our story if it isn’t headed where we want
  • Looking for new streams of revenue
  • The emotional cycle of change developed
  • Habit Gravity
  • Our inner and outer “worlds”
  • How you can get his free tool the profitable progression planner.

And much, much more!


Dan has gifted my listeners with a free profitable progression planner. Go here to sign up and download this great tool today!

Learn more about Dan LeFave at


The Online Stand-Up Comedy Writing course is for anyone who wants to earn how to write stand-up comedy. Whether you are starting from square one, or trying to become better at the craft this is the best course for you! Class levels vary depending on the amount of interaction you wish with the instructor. Full descriptions available by clicking HERE.

The Master Laughter Class is designed for speakers who want to add more humor to their programs. You'll learn specific formulas and strategies to punch up your program, kick up your keynote or supercharge your sermon with laughs. Class levels vary depending on the amount of interaction you wish with the instructor. Full descriptions at